About Me

Welcome to Kinda Fit Guy where I share all my favorite recipes that have helped me along my own journey to being a better version of myself. Over the course of many years through trial and error with various popular diets, I realized understanding basic nutrition and macronutrients was the key to my own success. 

Quite simply, I want to help others find the success I have through a more flexible dieting lifestyle that allows me to still enjoy the foods I love, while keeping the unwanted fat off my body. In my own self-discovery, I have learned trying to follow “diets” were by far too restrictive and would never be sustainable for me long term. As someone who struggled with having extra belly fat off and on throughout my adult life, I needed to figure out an eating plan that would work for the rest of my life.

 I wholeheartedly believe food is medicine, and is the most important aspect of our lives to ensure we live not only to our fullest potential, but stay in the best health possible.